In a thrilling return to form, the legendary DC Heroes Role-Playing Game is poised for a triumphant revival. Initially debuting in 1985, this iconic game captivated both comic enthusiasts and RPG devotees. Despite its long-standing absence from the shelves, the game has maintained a loyal fan base. Now, Cryptozoic Entertainment, alongside Warner Bros. Discovery, launches a Kickstarter campaign to reprint this cherished classic. Aspiring gamers will soon craft their epic tales in the DC Comics universe.
Rediscovering a Classic
So, what makes the DC Heroes RPG an enduring favorite? The involvement of prominent comic creators is its secret sauce. Luminaries like Jack Kirby, Dennis O’Neil, John Byrne, George Perez, and Alan Moore contributed to its creative brilliance. Moore even lent his genius to a Watchmen supplement. Fans relish this unique collaboration between the comic world and RPG realm.
The reprint campaign promises more than a mere revival. It aims to present the complete product line in stunning archival editions. These editions boast original content with upgraded paper quality and premium binding. Overseeing this meticulous process is original co-designer Ray Winninger, Jeb Woodard, and Creative Apocrypha, Inc. These are the masterminds behind the Absolute Sandman and Batman: The Killing Joke Deluxe Edition projects.
An Array of Enthralling Options
Backers can select either the 1st or 2nd edition of the DC Heroes Role-Playing Game. In addition, seven enticing module bundles, filled with thrilling adventures and Who’s Who guidebooks, await eager contributors. For the ardent DC Comics completist, some dazzling incentives sweeten the deal.
The initial two module sets include Kickstarter exclusive slipcases, with more slipcases unveiled as stretch goals are achieved. Players desiring a touch of flair can snag a limited edition dice tray, echoing the classic DC Comics logo. An artful gamemaster screen featuring Jim Lee’s art, and a set of bookmarks, are also up for grabs. Let’s not forget the collectible dice sets themed around iconic characters like DC, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.
This exciting Kickstarter campaign for the DC Heroes Role-Playing Game is live now. However, it wraps up on December 18, 2024. This gives fans ample time to join the adventure and relive an era where comic heroes come alive on the tabletop.
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