Doom #1 gagne en popularité sur eBay après l'hommage à MF Doom

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The Surprising Reason Why Doom #1 Became a Hot Book on the Secondary Market – MF Doom Tribute

The comic book Doom #1 is a one-shot release that presented a challenge for retailers due to the lack of comparables for ordering decisions. Written by Jonathan Hickman and featuring art by Sanford Greene, the comic did not have a direct impact on current continuity, making it a standalone story. Priced at $6.99, the comic was a passion project for Greene and Hickman.

What made Doom #1 unexpectedly popular on the secondary market was a tribute to the late rapper MF Doom. Born Daniel Dumile in London, MF Doom was a legendary figure in the underground rap scene. He passed away in December 2020, and his influence on the music industry was profound.

The tribute to MF Doom in Doom #1 was a quote from his song “Accordian,” which set the tone for the dark and compelling story within the comic. This connection to the acclaimed rapper sparked organic interest among fans, leading to a surge in secondary market sales of the comic.

Overall, the viral interest in Doom #1 due to the tribute to MF Doom serves as a unique example of how outside influences can drive the popularity of a comic book. The crossover between comic books and rap culture was highlighted, showing the shared fanbase between the two mediums.

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