Category Comic News

Bleach Character’s Key Moment in Thousand-Year War

Bleach Character’s Key Moment in Thousand-Year War

Soi Fon’s Journey: From Vengeance to Valor By August Tales A Complex Character Emerges in Bleach Among the vast array of characters in Bleach, Soi Fon, Captain of the Second Division and leader of the Onmitsukido (Stealth Force), stands out…

Ultimate Thanksgiving Celebration Guide

Ultimate Thanksgiving Celebration Guide

“Ultimate Spider-Man #11: Thanksgiving Edition” Ultimate Spider-Man #11 Weaves Web of Intrigue with New Variant Cover Illustration Written by August Tales Marvel Comics has just unveiled a tantalizing variant cover for the latest issue of Ultimate Spider-Man #11. Steering away…

Aubrey Plaza in AGATHA ALL ALONG?

Aubrey Plaza in AGATHA ALL ALONG?

Unlocking the Mystery of Rio Vidal in ‘Agatha All Along’ Aubrey Plaza’s portrayal of the mysterious Rio Vidal in “Agatha All Along” has stolen many scenes. Despite her prominence, however, her true nature is an enigma. All that is known…

Amadeus Cho Soon to Join MCU

Amadeus Cho Soon to Join MCU

MCU Prepping for Post-Hulk Era with New Casting By August Tales Launched in 2008 alongside Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk claimed the title of the second entrant in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) line-up. However, it stands apart as one…

Dodson Celebrates Thanksgiving on ULTIMATE

Dodson Celebrates Thanksgiving on ULTIMATE

Marvel Delights Fans with Ultimate Spider-Man Thanksgiving-themed Variant Cover By August Tales The comic constellation is aligning to serve a delectable Turkey-feast variant cover for ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #11. Marvel, in collaboration with the illustrious Terry and Rachel Dodson, are bringing…

James Gunn Talks About Frank Grillo’s…

James Gunn Talks About Frank Grillo’s…

James Gunn Unveils Details about Grillo’s DCU Role By August Tales Introducing Frank Grillo’s Rick Flag Sr. James Gunn spilled the beans on Frank Grillo’s DCU persona, Rick Flag Sr. Grillo is geared up to embody Rick Flag Sr., a…