Category Comic News

Johnny Depp in Beetlejuice 2?

Johnny Depp in Beetlejuice 2?

Depp in Beetlejuice 2? The Rumor Mills Turn The Curious Case of Johnny Depp and Beetlejuice 2: Rumors AboundHere we go again with our beloved Johnny Depp. This dear readers, is about his possible role in Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice 2.…

Benjamin Walker Talks on ‘Rings of Power’

Benjamin Walker Talks on ‘Rings of Power’

High King Gil-galad Fights for Middle-earth’s Soul in The Rings of Power Let’s Toss The Rings Now, in the game of “Middle-Earth politics”, you have Sauron, the reigning Superintendent of Shadows. But, don’t disregard his High King counterpart from the…

Fandango Unveils Top 10 Anticipated Films

Fandango Unveils Top 10 Anticipated Films

Fandango’s Top 10 Anticipated Fall Movies Let’s spill the popcorn, movie fans. Everyone’s got that preferred popcorn-purveyor, flick-finding friend – Fandango. Sure, they’re not flawless, but they dutifully do the lion’s share. Oh, and they’re good movie-market stalkers, often bearing…

Fantastic Four: First Steps Preview

Fantastic Four: First Steps Preview

First Glimpse at The Thing in Marvel’s New Fantastic Four Film A Peek into Marvel’s New Beast: The Thing Sneak a peek at Marvel’s big lug, as ATC delivers you your first look at The Thing. This newbie makes his…

War of Wheetago: Roth’s First Book

War of Wheetago: Roth’s First Book

Wheetago War Roth Book 1: An Indigenous Take on the Zombie Genre Bold and Ancient Beasts Walk Among Us The publishing game changes again. “Wheetago War Roth Book 1” is fresh off the press. The creatives? Richard Van Camp and…

Adult Swim Honors Rick & Morty Promo

Adult Swim Honors Rick & Morty Promo

Rick and Morty Pay Tribute to Batman: The Animated Series Adult Swim recently unveiled a brilliant crossover for Rick and Morty fans, paying homage to the legendary Batman: The Animated Series. With Rick and Morty: The Anime captivating audiences, this…