Category Comic News

Latest ‘House of the Dragon’ Episode Recap

Latest ‘House of the Dragon’ Episode Recap

“Episode 5: ‘House of Dragon’s’ Gender War” A Battle of a Different Kind on House of the Dragon ‘House of the Dragon’s most recent offering, episode 5, delivered a decidedly less frenetic pace than the tumultuous ride viewers were on…

The Fantastic Four is Set in a Specific Historical Period…

The Fantastic Four is Set in a Specific Historical Period…

“Fantastic Four Film Confirmed as Period Piece” Fantastic Four: Rewinding Time In a startling revelation that shouldn’t startle anyone keeping an eye on teaser artwork, Marvel Comics maestro Kevin Fiege confirmed the working vibe of Marvel’s upcoming “Fantastic Four” movie.…

Comics: Rogue Trooper – Blighty Valley

Comics: Rogue Trooper – Blighty Valley

“Ennis Returns to 2000 AD: Review” Garth Ennis: Back to 2000 AD and Past Failures Seems Garth Ennis is on a bit of a civvie tour back in the realm of 2000 AD recently. From resurrecting the likes of veteran…

Paul Walter Hauser from The Fantastic Four…

Paul Walter Hauser from The Fantastic Four…

“Hauser Dives into Comics for ‘Fantastic Four’” By Patrick Kelley Soon to grace the silver screens, ‘The Fantastic Four’ from Marvel Studios is setting Paul Walter Hauser on an unusual preparation route – diving deep into the comic book world.…

This Fantasy Film Scored Just 29% on Rotten Tomatoes

This Fantasy Film Scored Just 29% on Rotten Tomatoes

“Revisiting Azeroth: Highlighting the Strengths of Duncan Jones’ Warcraft Film” In a digital world shrouded by the filmic carcasses of video game adaptations, we excavate the buried and halfway forgotten “Warcraft,” the 2016 movie-based-off-the-video-game, directed by Duncan Jones. Its critical…

A Detail from Metroid Prime 4 Hints at the Game…

A Detail from Metroid Prime 4 Hints at the Game…

“Metroid Prime 4: Shift in Timeline with Mochtroids Integration” Teasing Prime Time Gaming Lo and behold! If trailer hints-rummagers are to be believed, Metroid Prime 4: Beyond may turn its back on a key series tradition. We don’t yet know…