Category Comic News

A Detail from Metroid Prime 4 Hints at the Game…

A Detail from Metroid Prime 4 Hints at the Game…

“Metroid Prime 4: Shift in Timeline with Mochtroids Integration” Teasing Prime Time Gaming Lo and behold! If trailer hints-rummagers are to be believed, Metroid Prime 4: Beyond may turn its back on a key series tradition. We don’t yet know…

Meeting of Fashion, Function, and Pikachu…

Meeting of Fashion, Function, and Pikachu…

“Loungefly Unveils Stylish Pokémon Gear Collection” As a Pokémon enthusiast, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of the chase, the triumphant cry of “Gotta catch ’em all!” ringing in the air. But let’s face it, not one of us was…

Sanji – A Variant Cover Line Paying Homage to Manga

Sanji – A Variant Cover Line Paying Homage to Manga

“Sanji Unveils Manga Homage Covers” In Art and Ink: A Homage to Masters and Masterpieces The world of comic arts can often seem like an infinite canvas streaked with the unique colors of multiple artists. Among the vibrant palettes stand…

First Look at BRZRKR: A Faceful of Bullets #1

First Look at BRZRKR: A Faceful of Bullets #1

“BRZRKR: Aaron Unveils New Reeves’ Chapter” By Patrick Kelley Brace yourselves, humble followers of Keanu Reeves and the action-packed world of BRZRKR! An enthralling new creation, BRZRKR: A FACEFUL OF BULLETS #1, will soon be igniting our comic book fantasies.…

10 Widely-Loved Western Films That Were Popular Box Office Hits

10 Widely-Loved Western Films That Were Popular Box Office Hits

“Iconic Western Movies that Missed the Mark at Box Office” As old as cinema itself, the Western genre galloped into public favor at the dawn of the 20th century. The silent era was abuzz with gunslinger tales, their popularity shooting…

Fans Have Mixed Opinions on Red Hulk’s Inclusion in…

Fans Have Mixed Opinions on Red Hulk’s Inclusion in…

“Red Hulk Stirs Controversy in New Captain America Teaser” With an unexpected twist, ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ has unveiled its first trailer, causing a stir among fans, experts, and recreational couch critics. The trailer offered the first look at…