Chainsaw Man Threatens War Devil…

Aging Devil’s Power Threatens to Overcome Chainsaw and War Devils in Latest Manga

By August Tales

The recent evolution in the Chainsaw Man’s storyline may offer a shocker. Let me warn you before we delve into the spoiler-filled abyss. We encounter Denji under the grip of insanity due to a traumatic event in his life. Mikata Asa has taken on the task of calming him. The War Devil has been advantageously employing her “children,” the Gun Devil and the Tank Devil. However, the arrival of a Primordial Fear has upgraded the situation from bad to worse.

Deals with the Aging Devil

The recent manga chapters have presented some wild maneuvers by the Japanese government. As the War Devil, Famine, and Katana Man attempt to retain Denji’s sanity, Japan’s top brass are planning a drastic move. In this chaos, they’ve struck an unholy pact with the newest Primordial Fear, the Aging Devil. Their aim is primarily to control humanity quite unconventionally.

The Aging Devil, the Game Changer

Their dark deed with the Aging Devil offers a grim twist. The devil has consented to be devoured by Denji. It would metaphorically erase aging from mankind. However, it would lead to the loss of thousands of children’s lives. Thus, the Japanese government has got to make child sacrifices. The Aging Devil’s true power is showcased extensively hereabouts.

A peculiar aspect of the Chainsaw Man universe includes devils gaining power from human fear based on their respective attributes. This power primarily stems from human fear of old age and death. The Primordial Fear stands out as incredibly formidable with its power level on a completely other scale.

The Trying Times for the War Devil

Despite touting powerful avatars like Gun Devil and Tank Devil, Asa’s attacks on the Aging Devil seem futile. While they could maim Denji, eradicating his arms and legs, the Primordial Fear brushes off the colossal finger attack with ease. The Aging Devil hints at its succeeding move, condescendingly dissing the War Devil for her immature attacks.

If predictions are right and the Aging Devil indeed masters the aging process, manga fans better brace for a shocking sight. They might soon encounter older versions of Denji and Asa in the brutal manga sequel. Notably, Tatsuki Fujimoto is known for his openness, and Chainsaw Man’s latest phase doesn’t appear to mellow down.

If you’re as curious as us about the future in store for Tatsuki Fujimoto’s devilry, join us at August Tales for the latest happenings in the Chainsaw Man world. Delve into all things comics and anime at

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