Category Comic News

Gosh! Comics Hosts ‘A Celebration of 10…

Gosh! Comics Hosts ‘A Celebration of 10…

“Decade Celebrations for BF’s Six to Watch” This festival of publisher-pilgrimage happens but once in a blue moon, folks. Mark your calendars for August 31st (between the bewitching hours of 7-9 pm, London time), because Gosh! Comics is cranking the…

Creature of Season 2 in THE RINGS OF POWER

Creature of Season 2 in THE RINGS OF POWER

“Middle-Earth Invades Comic-Con 2024” San Diego Comic-Con served up an unexpectedly raucous moment that had attendees thinking their GPS had eclipsed reality, and instead, dropped them in Middle-earth. The unexpected surprise came courtesy of the cast and crew of Prime…

Beat’s Odd Journey: Alluring Voice and More

Beat’s Odd Journey: Alluring Voice and More

“Exploring New Heights in Manga: Beat’s Bizarre Adventure Begins” In the breakneck-paced world of modern comics, a pair of unquestionable truths have soared to the forefront of reader consciousness. Dog Man now holds the crown as the comic for our…