Switch Online Users Criticize Nintendo…

Nintendo Switch Online Icon Access Criticized

By August Tales

Remember when you could just game and not worry about whether you have the right ‘profile icon’? Well, those days seem to be history for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers. With the vibe of Switch, Switch Lite, and the sleek Switch OLED, comes a downside. It’s a mollifying ambience that seems to have painted a grimace on their collective faces. Surely, there are admirers of the facility to indulge in online games and access retro games from consoles such as NES, SNES, Game Boy, and N64. Unfortunately, that’s just half the saga.

The Catch? Profile Icons!

Yes, you read that right. Profile icons – once a quintessential attribute, now a bone of contention. Some Nintendo Switch Online subs might say, ‘Hang on. I love the extra goodies!’ But here’s the catch. First time around, you get your hands on the new icons no matter who you are. However, the second iteration brings along a catch. Only the proud owners of the game score these prizes. Got Platinum Points to spare? Tough luck! You gotta own the game to download the icons.

Gamer’s Woes: A Reddit Perspective

If you need proof of this discontent, take a stroll into Reddit. You’ll find a hot topic – restrictions on buying profile icons. One post points out, “Why does Nintendo have this stupid restriction with buying profile icons with Platinum Points?” It’s a valid point, isn’t it? We all remember buying icons without owning a game, don’t we? Then why the change?

The Animal Crossing Muddle

The same post calls out the treatment of Animal Crossing: New Horizons icons as well. Sadly, it’s not enough to just own the game. You need to have played it recently too—not once, not twice, but three times in different days—to claim the icons. Either meet the criteria or wait till September for a rerun. It’s a hurdle that gets the gamer community fuming about how ‘anti-consumer’ this system is.

So, What’s Next for Nintendo?

Will one of the iconic game giants respond to the outcry? We’re yet to see Nintendo act on gamer feedback, thereby leaving these pesky restrictions to continue plaguing the community. While Nintendo Switch Online may be sticking to its guns for now, here’s to hoping that its successor, Nintendo Switch 2 Online, reassesses these issues and hits us with a pleasant surprise. For now, all we can do is wait. And game on.

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Image credit: comicbook.com

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