Goku: Often His Own Worst Enemy

Goku’s Biggest Mistakes in Dragon Ball Exposed

Article by August Tales

The Power and Paradox of Goku

For the past 40 years, Akira Toriyama’s “Dragon Ball” has continued to captivate audiences. The series owes its success not just to its captivating storylines, but also to its complex characters. From rambunctious children growing into honorable adults, the audience follows their remarkable journeys. Goku, the show’s protagonist, is one of these characters. Admired for his incredible accomplishments, Goku’s path parallels that of gods. However, his humility and love for combat keep him grounded.

Goku: A Double-Edged Sword

Yet, Goku’s naivety and passion can also be a source of problems. Interestingly, it has sometimes put the universe at risk. He never turns his back on friends, family, or planet. However, he exposes himself to unnecessary and avoidable incidents due to raw emotions. He may be Dragon Ball’s greatest hero, but he’s also his own worst enemy, sparking the fires he eventually extinguishes.

Charitable Mistakes: Goku’s Habit of Aiding the Enemy

Goku is known for his unwavering moral compass and belief in others’ potential for change. This often materializes in acts of charity towards his enemies. So, he has been seen nourishing the health of highly dangerous villains like Cell and Planet-Eater Moro. This pattern of benevolence, blurred with naivety, puts the universe on the brink of collapse.

Goku’s other known acts of charity include giving the villain, Piccolo, a Senzu Bean following his defeat. This act of mercy led Piccolo to swear revenge. His compassion also extended to Frieza, who received energy from Goku. Although Goku’s belief in redemption is admirable, it can pose a life-threatening liability for him.

The Danger behind Goku’s Great Ape Transformations

Though rarely seen in recent times, Great Ape transformations have posed a significant threat. In the original “Dragon Ball,” this metamorphosis cost Grandpa Gohan his life. The transformation also nearly killed Bulma. The unpredictable nature of the transformation even led to Master Roshi destroying the moon to reverse its effects. This shows a terrifying potential for Goku to become his worst foe.

The Fallout of Goku’s Decision not to be Revived

During the battle against Cell, Goku made a heroic sacrifice. His insistence on staying dead and leaving Gohan to protect the earth shows his faith in his son. However, this decision meant that his second son, Goten, grew up without knowing his father. Although meant as a noble act, Goku’s decision deprived Goten of valuable years with his father.

Recklessness with Heart Medication

The concept of time travel took up a prominent role in the Cell Saga. Future Trunks brought with him heart medicine to save Goku from a deadly virus. Despite having the cure, Goku delayed its use to the point where he was bedridden. His recklessness nearly cost him his life. This poorly made decision also undermined his battle against Android 19.

Carefree Attitude Amplifies Threats

Despite being a deity capable of erasing entire universes, Zeno, the Omni-King, enjoys Goku’s carefree approach. However, that same casual behavior led to the dangerous Tournament of Power. Goku’s friendship with Zeno put Universe 7 at risk as others envied his close relationship with the King. Consequently, many resented Goku for the potential erasure of their universe.

Consequences of Goku’s Kaio-Ken Abuse

Dragon Ball portrays Goku as a fearless character who remains undeterred by his limits. This attitude often leads him to push his body beyond its capacity. Known to combine Super Saiyan Blue strength with the potent Kaio-Ken technique, Goku courts danger. In one instance, this dangerous gambit resulted in the Delayed Onset Ki Disorder, severely affecting Goku’s abilities. His disregard for safety could endanger the planet while he’s impaired.

Defiant Stand on Namek

Goku’s fight against Frieza on the exploding planet Namek is one of Dragon Ball’s most intense sequences. Despite the planet being minutes away from destruction, Goku stays behind to confirm Frieza’s defeat. While honorable, this decision proves unnecessary, as Frieza still survives. Goku’s delay nearly results in disaster when Frieza arrives on Earth, and Goku isn’t there to protect it.

Goku’s Trust in Gohan’s Power

After his brutal battle against Cell, Goku hands the fight over to Gohan. This risky strategy leads to Gohan’s ascension to Super Saiyan 2 status. However, it also leads to Goku’s death and nearly ends the planet.

Goku’s Power Incites Zamasu’s Wrath

Goku doesn’t hide his immense power, and his strength often elicits unwanted attention. Zamasu is one character who targets Goku due to his strength. Zamasu’s rage against mortals is heightened by his knowledge of Goku’s power, contributing to Zamasu’s hate-filled plot to wipe out all mortals from existence.

Controversial Recruitment of Frieza

In hindsight, Goku’s controversial decision to recruit one of his greatest enemies, Frieza, for the Tournament of Power appears misguided. Despite proving valuable in the tournament, Frieza’s participation leads to a resurgent villain with greater plans for domination. Goku’s decision again unsettles the balance of the universe.

Certainly, as the protagonist of “Dragon Ball,” Goku’s actions drive the series’ plot. However, his reckless decisions often kindle the problems he must extinguish, making him an unlikely accelerant to the chaos and peril that befall the universe.

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