How Emerging Creators Are Celebrating Small Press Day 2024

“Small Press Day Returns with Exciting Events”

Put on your party hats, bookworms and pamphlet aficionados, because the esteemed Small Press Day is returning on August 17th. This year promises to bring firework-worthy SPD celebrations. So, brace yourselves for a hearty dose of page-turning festivities.

For the curious cats among you, here’s a primer on the bookish bonanza. Event updates, information about participation, and the essential ethos and values of this literary soirée can simply be glimpsed at the Small Press Day website.


Cue the Drum Roll for the Chief Guest

Don’t restock your popcorn just yet. This year, the party goes up a notch with a cherry-on-top offering from Broken Frontier’s Editor-in-Chief, Andy Oliver – who might have just earned himself a cool-hunter badge.

To pay it forward, Oliver will channel his inner Yoda to host one-to-one Zoom sessions with fledgling artists at the cusp of their comic careers. Here’s the bill of fare for these conversations: a critical glance at works-in-progress, demystifying the labyrinth of self-publishing, insight into the UK’s small press scene, and tips on raising one’s profile. Think of it as your friendly neighborhood “Comic Con”, shrunk into an intimate Zoom window.

For those already biting your nails, Oliver will provide twelve 15-minute slots on August 18th. It won’t cost you a dime, and you don’t have to elbow your way to a spot. Slots will be allocated through an application process, with marginalized voices, comic rookies, and those ready to roll their sleeves up and play comic language charades given priority.

Want In? Here’s Your Golden Ticket

Doodle down your details in the Google form or drop an e-mail to with ‘Broken Frontier One-to-One Meetings’ as the subject.

What’s your artist name? Where can we find your digital fingerprints? During what time block are you free? Throw in three snapshots of your work, a brief bio (if you’re up to it), and any specific requirements for online participation, and voila – you’re done!

The catch is, the clock is ticking. Applications need to race in by Friday, August 9th, and the lucky entrants will be notified by August 12th.

A Gentle Reminder:

Keep in mind that the folks at Broken Frontier believe in the sanctity of diversity, so keep it inclusive. In other words, steer clear of hate groups.

And with that, we wish you an absolutely epic Small Press Day 2024, whether you’re celebrating it on Zoom, leafing through your favorite flyers at a comic book store, or simply curled up with a cozy zine. In the immortal words of Mr. Gatsby – put on your party clothes, old sport!

Written by Patrick Kelley, ATC

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