Kevin Reveals No Immediate Plans for Eternals 2

“Eternals 2: Feige Confirms No Sequel Plans”

Hold your celestial horses, folks. Amidst the swirl of fan-driven conjecture, Kevin Feige, the potentate of Marvel Cinematic Universe opulence, has cold water at the ready. In no uncertain terms, he popped the bubbles of those wishing upon a star for "Eternals 2". Yes, he confirmed, as transparently as an empty jar of Nutella, there are no plans for a sequel to grace our universe anytime soon.

Let’s be honest— "Eternals" was not what one might call a smashing success. It clapped upon arrival in the box-office universe, garnering less thunderous applause than a geriatric golf tournament. Critics picked it apart like seagulls at a beach picnic, and fans didn’t exactly add to their memorabilia shrines in devotion either. All those claims blaming Covid for its performance fall flatter than a pancake on a Sunday morning. The fact that "Spider-Man: No Way Home" made bank at the box office with over a billion bucks in just a month afterwards really puts it in perspective.

Marvel enthusiasts might argue that "Eternals" was basically Feige’s olive branch to DC’s ‘Justice League’, akin to what ‘Captain America: Civil War’ was for ‘Batman vs. Superman’. Well, if it was meant to mend bridges, it was as effective as a Band-Aid on a bullet wound.

Feige’s Revelation

Feige had a tete-a-tete with Inverse and left no room for misinterpretation. His precise words were, "There’s no immediate plan for Eternals 2." Interestingly, the grand reveal of Celestials in the Eternals movie hasn’t cropped up anywhere else in the vast MCU since its debut. Nevertheless, Feige hints that Captain America: Brave New World will tip its hat to it. "Certain giant things came out of the ocean," he cryptically states, likely referring to Tiamut Island, the land mass materialised from the Celestial being.

A Chance Encounter With Other Stars

The "Eternals" also brushed against the potential of a "Black Knight" played by Kit Harington, and Mahershala Ali as "Blade. These are currently shelved on the workbench, possibly gathering dust and waiting for their future to manifest. Meanwhile, Kumail Nanjiani, Eternals’ Kingo, has reportedly skipped town and joined forces with James Gunn in the DCU.

When it comes to deciding the future of Eternals 2, Bob Iger, the Disney grand poobah, believes the concept is as appealing as a soggy sandwich. He’s urging the Mighty Marvel Minds to focus their superpowers on guaranteed hits. And can you blame the man? After all, in the pursuit of superhero franchises, one might need to crack a few Infinity Stones.

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