Viewers Think Reynolds Truly Dislikes T.J.

Snipes Returns in Deadpool & Wolverine, TJ Miller MIA

In an unexpected plot twist, Wesley Snipes, the original human-vampire hybrid bounty hunter, Blade, decided to give his silver stake another whirl in “Deadpool & Wolverine”. Forgive us for the pun but the fans were absolutely ‘stoked’ to witness Snipes’ return, expressing virtual high-fives and heart emojis all over social media.

And it wasn’t just the fans. Ryan Reynolds, the leading man of the movie, was equally pumped to see Snipes back in the spotlight. Quite a turn of events, considering the rumor mill had churned out stories about their so-called hatred for each other since their days of Beltway stakeouts in Snipes’ Blade movies. Meanwhile, in a noticeably absent subplot, T.J. Miller, a prominent face in the Deadpool universe, did not make the bad-boy reunion for “Deadpool & Wolverine”.

The Plot Thickens

According to the grapevine, Miller’s fallout with Deadpool was a bit of a spectacle, and not in a good way. The fan forum was buzzing with speculations that Reynolds’ animosity towards Miller was the main reason for his absence in the third installment.

Without dragging the dirt, let’s just say that Miller’s departure from the Deadpool series came in the wake of some pretty murky allegations, which, while denied by the actor, certainly stirred the pot in the court of public opinion. If the allegations weren’t enough to call ‘cut’, Miller and Reynolds’ infamous on-set feud added another unsavory layer to the drama.

Miller, in no uncertain terms, had accused Reynolds of being foul-mouthed and ego-driven, particularly towards him. The nerve of Reynolds addressing him as his character, Weasel! And God forbid an actor get ‘super, super famous’ post a blockbuster franchise! We’d show you Miller’s extended monologue here, but let’s just say the decision not to make a comeback in ‘Deadpool 3’ was apparently an easy one for him.

Snipes vs. Miller: Dawn of… Something?

But here’s the rub – despite Reynolds and Snipes’ infamous clash back during the Blade days, they now seem to be thick as thieves. A case of fallen heroes bonding, you ask? Or does Reynolds simply have less tolerance for Miller’s off-screen antics? One Twitter user summed it up rather eloquently: “You know Reynolds hates Miller when he was able to mend a historic feud with Wesley Snipes to get him in Deadpool & Wolverine but didn’t ask the guy who appeared prominently in the first 2 Deadpool movies back.”

That’s certainly food for thought. So, what are your thoughts on the plot off the screen? Chime in with your comments below!

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