What is the Value of the Templar Treasure?

National Treasure’s Billion-Dollar Discovery: The True Value of Templar’s Hidden Fortune

When it comes to celluloid treasure troves, Walt Disney’s “National Treasure” takes the shining crown. The charming combination of Nicholas Cage’s rampant artifact pocketing and numerous historical heists even eclipse Indiana Jones’ adventures. It’s the kind of action-packed shenanigan that makes you wonder how much all that pilfered loot is worth.

A Prize Worth Billions

Unlike typical treasure hunts, heroes in “National Treasure” aren’t driven by greed. It’s about adrenaline-fueled chases, uncovering historic secrets, and redeeming family names. But for the villains, the loot is all that matters. Benjamin “Ben” Gates, with Riley Poole and Dr. Abigail Chase, unravels historic tales to find a treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers, Freemasons, and Knights Templar. Gates accepts a finder’s fee, implying the treasure’s immense value.

The Templar Treasure discovered under New York City’s Trinity Church is estimated at a staggering $10 billion. After high-profile heists and subtle clues, the FBI closes in on Gates. A deal with Agent Peter Sadusky offers Gates freedom and recognition for his family in exchange for revealing the treasure’s location.

The Treasure Vault

The treasure isn’t just a pile of gold coins; it’s a vault full of artifacts that could rewrite history. Scrolls from the Library of Alexandria, Egyptian statues, and even extraterrestrial figurines remind us of the Founding Fathers’ humility. Gates gets a finder’s fee of 10%, equivalent to $1 billion. The only hitch? Taxes, of course. So, he takes 1% and splits it with Riley.

The Real McCoy is the Journey

At the heart of “National Treasure” are the bonds formed throughout the team’s adventures, from heists to daring kidnappings. The movie’s most memorable moment isn’t the unveiling of the treasure; rather, it’s the theft of the Declaration of Independence. This daring act spawned countless jokes and memes, turning “National Treasure” into a transmedia phenomenon.

Achieving a happy ending involves morally gray decisions. Gates decides to steal the Declaration of Independence to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. At least he protects this invaluable piece of history.

The Unremarkable End of the Treasure’s Value

What happened to the Templar Treasure’s price tag? The film focuses little on its financial implications. For Gates, the real treasure is reclaiming family honor. Despite the $10 billion value, it doesn’t redistribute wealth significantly.

Gates and Riley face financial struggles after blowing their finder’s fees. Gates buys an expensive property, which he signs over to Abigail. Riley’s journey to fiscal responsibility is bumpier, with poor tax planning and an impounded Ferrari. If there’s a sequel, let’s hope they meet a reliable financial advisor.

Independent Comics: A Treasure in Their Own Right

“National Treasure” offers an enduring message: while a massive treasure can enrich your bank account, the most precious treasures are the relationships you forge and the memories you create. Similarly, independent comics bring unique voices and perspectives, pushing boundaries and enriching the comic world.

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Image credit: www.cbr.com

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